Our Story

At the heart of our journey lies a commitment to harmonizing nature and lawn care. Witnessing the rising tide of environmental consciousness, we embarked on a mission to redefine lawn care practices. Our inspiration? The burgeoning demand for sustainable, eco-friendly solutions in a world awakening to the importance of nurturing our planet. Driven by this ethos, we embraced humic products—an embodiment of our dedication to fostering lush, vibrant lawns through natural, soil-centric methods. Our story is one of blending eco-consciousness with effective lawn care, championing a greener, more sustainable tomorrow, one lawn at a time.

Value Proposition:

Vivero's key value proposition lies in its commitment to optimizing turf performance through humic-based products. Our humate is identified as humalite, a high grade oxidized (weathered coal) found adjacent to sub-bituminous coalfields in Alberta, Canada.  Different from other humates, humalite contains high contents of humic substances, low toxic metals, negligible toxic organics and pathogens, high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and low ash. These products improve soil structure, enhance nutrient retention, increase fertilizer efficiency, bolster stress resistance, promote microbial activity, and balance soil pH—all contributing to a healthier, greener lawn.